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    Is a pilonidal cyst dangerous? If you’re reading this you either think you or someone you may know has a pilonidal cyst or have already been diagnosed with [...]

  • Sporty young woman drinking water while exercising at the park

    What is a pilonidal cyst? It is a cyst that appears at the top of the buttocks around where the cheeks meet, usually in or around the area [...]

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    How to Treat Pilonidal Sinus? Pilonidal sinuses affected about 70,000 people annually in the United States alone. A painful skin infection, a pilonidal sinus is best described as [...]

  • Close-up Of A Smiling Man

    A pilonidal cyst is a sac of tissue that forms in high-friction areas of the body but is most typically found in the buttocks region, near the top crease [...]