
Pilonidal Cyst Removal Surgery: Who takes care of this treatment program?


Even though pilonidal cysts are very painful and challenging, you still have no choice but to go for surgical intervention to get permanent relief. However, do you know who is behind this whole process of treating and removing the infected pilonidal cyst? It's not just a general doctor who can treat these patients but a [...]

Pilonidal Cyst Removal Surgery: Who takes care of this treatment program?2024-05-16T11:45:58+00:00

What happens if you ignore a pilonidal cyst?


A general surgeon for pilonidal cyst is a healthcare professional who plays a pivotal role in diagnosing and treating this often painful and potentially serious medical condition. Pilonidal cysts are not only painful but can also become a serious medical issue if left untreated. In this article, we will explore what happens when you [...]

What happens if you ignore a pilonidal cyst?2023-09-29T12:38:26+00:00

How to Know if a Pilonidal Cyst is Infected


A pilonidal cyst is a pocket or sac filled with hair, skin debris, and other substances that forms at the base of the tailbone (coccyx) near the top of the buttocks. This condition is more common in men than women and usually develops between the ages of 16 and 26. Pilonidal cysts can cause [...]

How to Know if a Pilonidal Cyst is Infected2023-05-04T18:26:22+00:00

Is Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Worth It?


Pilonidal cysts are a somewhat frequent ailment that can hurt and make a person uncomfortable. These cysts can be brought on by a number of things, including heredity, trauma, or even sitting for an extended period of time. They form at the base of the tailbone. While some patients can control their symptoms with [...]

Is Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Worth It?2023-05-02T17:24:38+00:00

What Type of Surgeon Removes Pilonidal Cysts?


A pilonidal cyst is a small cavity or sac that develops at the tailbone's (coccyx) base. The condition is more common in men than in women, and it frequently affects people who sit for long periods of time or have excessive hair growth in the area. Pilonidal cysts can cause discomfort, pain, and even [...]

What Type of Surgeon Removes Pilonidal Cysts?2023-05-10T21:49:44+00:00
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